What is a Doing Business As (DBA) name?
A Doing Business As (DBA) name is an additional business name registration that allows your business to operate using a name different from its legal entity name. Other terms used to describe a DBA include assumed name, fictitious name, or trade name. The process of adopting an assumed name varies by where you operate, but registrations are typically filed at the state or county level.
Am I required to register my DBA name? Am I required to register in multiple locations?
In general, your business must register your DBA at the state or county level before conducting business under that name. You can find state and county requirements to register trade names for your business in our 50-State DBA Guide.
Furthermore, you must register your DBA in each jurisdiction (state or county) in which you wish to operate under that DBA. With our managed service, we reduce the complexity and help you register and maintain DBAs in as many jurisdictions as you require.
Does registering a DBA create a new legal entity?
No. A Doing Business As name allows a business to use multiple trade names. Acquiring a DBA lets your business launch additional brands while only having to maintain a single legal and tax entity. For instance, "Fresh Flowers LLC" may register the DBA name "Dream Wedding Flowers" to target a niche market. Registering a DBA gives your organization flexibility in marketing your business and products.
What is DBA publishing?
A few jurisdictions require that notice of your DBA registration be published in legal journals or newspapers. We will let you know if this applies and explain our affordable fee if you would like us to take care of publishing for you. We identify the newspapers, prepare and submit notices, and obtain affidavits for your company records.
Do I have to renew my DBA?
Some states and counties offer perpetual DBAs, where you register once and then the holder of the DBA does not need to renew. In other states and counties, your DBA is registered for a term such as five years or ten years. You can find state and county renewal requirements in our 50-State DBA Guide in the Information Center.
Our software allows you to track each DBA filing and renewal yourself, while our managed service prepares and files each renewal for you.
I still have questions. Who can I talk to?
Please contact us.