When you have a long list of individuals to add to your account, typing them in one by one is not necessary. Simply email your list of individuals to your Client Success Manager or to info@harborcompliance.com.
What format should you use?
An Excel or .csv file is preferred, but any format is fine. You can access our template here. After opening the template, in order to download a copy to your machine, click File, click Download, then click either "Microsoft Excel" or "CSV" (as you prefer).
What information is required?
At a minimum, each individual in your file should contain a First Name and Last Name.
Optionally, indicate who you want to be set up with a login. Include their Email, and their Access Level (Admin, Regular, Restricted, or Individual License Holder).
If you have multiple Accounts or Companies, please indicate which Accounts and/or Companies each Individual should have access to.